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Donation Wish List
Home / Donation Wish List
Antiseptics, Gauze, Band-aids, Alcohol, Q-tips, Bug spray, Sunscreen.
Flip flops (men and women / sizes M-L), Bath robes, Professional clothing (for interviews).

Towels, Wash cloths, Shower curtain, Shower caddy, Body sponge, Body wash, Bar soap, Shampoo, Conditioner.
Deodorant, Razors, Shave cream, Hair brush, Comb, Toothpaste, Tooth brush, Dental floss, Mouthwash, Kleenex, Body lotion, Manicure set, Hand sanitizer, Liquid soap (anti bacterial), Feminine products.
Diapers for 1-2 year olds (for birth moms and new parents), Restaurant Gift Cards, Journaling Supplies for scrapbooking or writing letters to babies, Pampering Gifts – nail polish, etc., Lotion, Face Masks, Mani/Pedi Gift Cards, Books or Movies for fun or pregnancy care, Chocolate – gifts for possible gift baskets, Prenatal Massage or Yoga Classes, Maternity Clothes – stretchy pants, tops, etc., Slippers, Gift Cards to Maternity Stores, Sports Bras, Nursing Pads, Post-Partum Supplies – Maxi Pads, etc., Wipes, Peri Bottle, Heating Pad, Essential Oils, Witch Hazel Pads, Pajamas.

Gift cards (Walmart, Target, HEB, etc.), Laundry detergent, House shoes, Body pillows, Cleaning items, Mason Jars (Qt. or Pt.), lids and rings, Volleyball Set, Microphone and small amp, Gift cards to Lowe’s, Home Depot.
Providence Place is a licensed child placement agency in San Antonio, TX. In addition, we are a unique 501(c)3 non-profit that provides multi-purpose programming to survivors of complex trauma, expectant mothers, families with children under the age of three and youth in foster care. All donations are tax deductible. EIN # 74-1168923
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