Expectant Mothers
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Facing Unplanned Pregnancy?
Looking for birth mother support?
We’re here to support expectant mothers considering adoption. Please feel free to call us anytime on our on-call phone (210) 313 - 5831. Someone is always available to answer questions or talk to you in hard times. You can also email us at adoption@provplace.org.
What Kind Of Support Does Providence Place Offer Our Expectant Parents?
While we provide for a variety of your needs, financial assistance does have limits; we can assist with “maternity related expenses” throughout your pregnancy and at least six weeks post-partum. Your expenses can include, medical costs, transportation to appointments, food and maternity clothes.
If you’re thinking about adoption, please ask yourself these questions:
Are you financially and emotionally able to provide for a child?
Is the father able and willing to provide financial and emotional support to you and the child?
Are you ready to prioritize the needs of another above your own?
If you answered no to these questions, maybe you need to talk to us about the choices you have. Adoption may be the right choice for you. Our staff is available to talk to you and answer any questions you may have.

Adoption is a gift of life, love & hope.
Action Adoption at Providence Place has helped create close to 6,000 families through adoption.
About Open Adoption: We Promote Open Adoption To Our Families
We feel open adoption is the best way to go for everyone involved; it takes away the mystery of adoption and allows your child to have more information about where she or he came from.
Open adoption looks different for everyone; it may mean you just get at least annual photos and a letter that our adopting families are required to provide, or you may have more contact through texts, phone calls, emails and occasional visits. We will work to facilitate a match with a family with similar contact expectations as you and help create a cooperative plan.
We understand that sometimes communication can be hard for mothers who have placed their child. Your choices for contact will be respected, but the family will send updates to Providence Place that we can send you when you’re ready.
A Birth Mother’s Letter About Adoption
“When I found out that I was pregnant I didn’t know what I was going to do. I was already a single mom to a 2 year old boy. I didn’t know how I was going to provide for another baby.
So, I decided to go with adoption, knowing that another family could provide everything that I could not. I was terrified to go through an adoption agency because I was unsure how I could provide for my son as well as myself.
Providence Place has been a godsend for me, my son, and my daughter. Everyone that we worked with treated us as if we were family. They helped me find a wonderful family for my daughter. Providence Place isn’t about adoption.
Providence Place is about family, future, and learning. Providence Place didn’t just help me find a family for my daughter; they helped her family find her.
They have helped me more than I could’ve ever imagined. My daughter has a wonderful family to care, love, and provide for her. I never would have found them without the support and the help of the agency.
I will never be able to pay back in full everything that they have done for my family and my daughter. They do everything they can to help and care for everyone out of the kindness of their hearts.
Providence Place is where my heart is and will always remain. They helped me provide the best life possible for my daughter and I will always be thankful.”
Providence Place is a licensed child placement agency in San Antonio, TX. In addition, we are a unique 501(c)3 non-profit that provides multi-purpose programming to survivors of complex trauma, expectant mothers, families with children under the age of three and youth in foster care. All donations are tax deductible. EIN # 74-1168923